40 pct of all tasks can be automated

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The fourth industrial revolution is at our doorstep and wether you like it or not it is going to imply major changes for our companies, employees and society as a whole. This is the main take from a new McKensey&Company report that was recently published.

The report shows that on average 40 percent of all work hours in Denmark can be fully automated with the technology that exists today. In some sectors it is even as high as 79 percent. Globally the potential for automation is even higher with an average of 49 percent. The financial benefit for Denmark as a nation is estimated to be a growth of 1.4 percent point a year through to year 2065.

Whether or not companies embrace or ignore these facts they will feel the impact. Thus it is recommended that companies stay on top of what is going on in the market and consider how they can keep or increase their competitive advantages through automation. See the video below from Aarhus University (in danish) or the full report for more information.

two people talking

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