Our savings are climbing in step with our use of Automation App

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After a couple years of using the Automation App, Energi Fyn has saved 15-20% on continuous user and system administration.

“Automation App is a simple and intuitive solution and a way of making it easy and quickly to automate a lot of trivial tasks – and in the end – making things simpler and providing a better service for the company.”

Kasper Dam Weigel thus briefly summarizes the experiences he and his team have made themselves the last few years where they have worked with Automation App, developed by Automize.

Automation App was an ideal fit

Kasper Dam Weigel is the manager of IT operations at Energi Fyn and part of an IT department of 16 employees responsible for operations and development.

“In 2020, we worked with Automize on a development task for our broadband department. While developing some of the functionalities of the solution and developing for third party systems, it turned out that the Automation App was an ideal fit for us.”

”Automation App is straightforward to use. We downloaded it from the Service Now Store and had some initial help from Automize to set it up. From there, it was just a matter of getting started – it was very intuitive, and we could do it all ourselves,” recalls Kasper Dam Weigel.

Now the integration works straight out of the box

Kasper Dam Weigel explains that he and his people work quite a bit with the Microsoft Azure platform, where they also developed their integrations themselves. But this has changed with the Automation App, he says.

“Automation App has simplified much of what we would have otherwise developed ourselves. With Automation App, we can integrate with Azure in a much simpler way and get a much simpler solution, than if we had to handle it ourselves. Now the integration works straight out of the box, and we’ve been extremely happy with that,” explains Kasper Dam Weigel.

“Automation App gives us the possibility to develop some of the systems ourselves and that amounts to substantial savings for us. Without Automation App, we’d have to write a bunch of code and our company doesn’t have the size or manpower to be able to develop everything in house.”

15-20% saved in continuous user and systems administration

“With the Automation App, we’ve automated many of the daily, trivial routine tasks that follow with user and systems administration that we handle through different third-party operation apps. This pertains to anything from starting, stopping, and restarting systems and applications for onboarding and offboarding staff, setting up access permissions and mailboxes, handling permission control – we handle all of that with the app now,” says Kasper Dam Weigel.

And it’s good business to automate using Automize’s Automation App, he ascertains.

“We’ve only been using Automation App for a couple of years, but we’ve probably already saved around 15-20% on continuous user and systems administrations. We haven’t made it as far as we’d like to – we want to expand our use of Automation App even further. We can see that cost savings grow in step with our use Automation App.”

Concerns about the price and value were put to shame

“When we’re buying new products, it’s always part of the consideration whether we’re getting back the full value of what we’re paying for the product, compared to if we had to develop it ourselves. We were pretty sure that we could develop a lot of the things that Automize was offering, so we had considerations regarding price and value in relation to Automation App. But our concerns and considerations were put to shame,” establishes Kasper Dam Weigel.

He explains that he and his people would’ve had to use much more time to develop and troubleshoot their own solution, so that value was quickly earned back with Automation App.

“The pricing of Automation App also contributes to the value of the App – Automation App is operated on a flat rate basis. Normally, the license is based on transactions with Service Now. In the Automation App, I can make as many calls as I want to. The price is the same. That way we’re getting even more value out of the app,” he adds.

Many tasks and projects in the pipeline for Automation App

Kasper Dam Weigel explains that there are many tasks and projects in the pipeline for Automation App, for example regarding permission control and system functionality.

“With Automation App, we can offer new system functionality for the company, so they can do things without the need for us to give users more system access than we’d like to. For example, we don’t want to give the company access to making backups of systems but with the app, we can make a simple way for user to backup and recreate files,” he says and adds:

“There are many possibilities with Automation App because the app works with business applications and third-party solutions. I could imagine using Automation App with Microsoft Teams for setting up and terminating channels, for example.”

The company and the end users feel like they're getting better service

The end users aren’t really aware of the use of Automation App because it kind of blends into the background, according to Kasper Dam Weigel.

“It’s just us, a fan club of IT workers using the app, that really know about it,” he laughs before turning back to his point about the users.

“The functionality the end users get with Automation App makes them really happy. They feel like they’re getting better service. Instead of setting up support ticket for IT and waiting for answers on a given case, the users are handling issues themselves now. They think it’s great – and it saves a lot of time for them and us as well.”

About Energi Fyn

Energi Fyn, one of Denmark’s oldest cooperatively owned energy companies with more than 215.000 local shareholders, own and operate the electrical supply network on most of Fyn. Energi Fyn is located in Odense and employs an estimated 350 people.

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Kasper Dam Weigel, Manager of IT Operations, Energi Fyn

”The functionality the end users get with Automation App makes them really happy. They feel like they’re getting better service.”

Kasper Dam Weigel, Manager of IT Operations, Energi Fyn

”With Automation App, we can integrate with Azure in a much simpler way and get a much simpler solution, than if we had to handle it ourselves. Now the integration works straight out of the box, and we’ve been extremely happy with that.”

Kasper Dam Weigel, Manager of IT Operations, Energi Fyn

“We’ve only been using Automation App for a couple of years, but we’ve probably already saved around 15-20% on continuous user and systems administrations. We can see that cost savings grow in step with our use Automation App.”

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Automize was founded in 2015, with a wish to provide value by driving the journey of digitalization and transformation, which all companies are presently on. We accomplish that by bringing people, business and technology closer together.
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