Get the freedom to easily choose a new outsourcing partner in the future.
When choosing your IT provider, you should choose the flexible solution
Flexibility and agility in relation to supplier choice within IT is the new variety - with an IT operation agreement, a short lock-in period is available on a future-proof Microsoft cloud platform, where you can easily and securely move your commitment and infrastructure as needed.
Classic IT hosting as we know it today, often offers inflexible solutions in the long term and many years of binding periods in relation to the contractual. It makes it more difficult and unmanageable to have to change supplier and many choose to stay in a so-so deal of sheer convenience or fear of the process of switching.
When choosing a cloud provider such as Automize, it will always be relatively easy to change outsourcing partner without having to move around the company's data and thus avoid “supplier lockdown” with long lock-in periods and associated expenses.
All our services are cloud-based, which means that they are very flexible and can be adapted to your specific setup. This guarantees your business an easy "moving period" should it become necessary. You can also easily scrub up and down the license usage month by month.
Kontakt os og hør hvad vi kan hjælpe dig med
Giver det mening, at I selv løser hele opgaven?
Vi tilbyder at stå for drift og support af jeres IT, helt eller delvist. Ofte kan vi gøre det både billigere og bedre.
Outsourcing af IT i skyen – eller Managed Services – kan skræddersyes med lige præcis de services, som er kritiske for jeres virksomhed. Eller sagt på en anden måde: vi finder den model for outsourcing, som passer jer bedst, uanset om I ønsker at outsource udvalgte services i jeres IT-drift eller hele operationen.
Den Moderne Arbejdsplads
Nutidens arbejdskrav og medarbejdere kræver en effektiv, fleksibel og moderne arbejdsplads. Vi arbejder hele tiden mere og mere mobilt, hvilket skaber et behov for styring, sikre arbejdsrammer og sætter større krav til IT-sikkerheden på arbejdspladsen generelt.
Active Directory og Azure AD - hvad er forskellen? Et Active Directory – i daglig tale bare kaldet AD’et – er på mange måder hjørnestenen i enhver IT-infrastruktur. Det er her, at man styrer og sikrer brugere, roller og identiteter. Med Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), der er den indbyggede løsning...
AI's Arrival: Unleashing Creativity and Productivity for a New Wave of Success AI is here, and it will completely change the way we work. And for many, the solution can't come soon enough. The pace of work has increased exponentially - along with the volume of data, information, and communication. We struggle to bear the […]
The Green Transition According to the World Economic Forum, digital technologies can help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by 15 percent. Together, by leveraging our technological tools, expertise, and network, we can make an important difference.
Semco Maritime is taking the cloud route to support growth and reduce time to market. At the same time, there is an expected financial gain for Semco Maritime in moving to the cloud. »Semco Maritime is experiencing significant growth, which requires us to support the business in being faster and more flexible in time to […]
"With Automize's Azure Automation app, we've automated large parts of the ITSM flow. What used to take days is now reduced to hours or minutes."
Henrik Abildgaard
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About Automize
Automize was founded in 2015, with a wish to provide value by driving the journey of digitalization and transformation, which all companies are presently on. We accomplish that by bringing people, business and technology closer together.