• Transparent Costs

    man working on computer

Same billing model as Microsoft Cloud

It is important to be able to see through your bill on IT operations and place it correctly.
We see it as essential that you can see 100% what you consume on your IT operations. Our agreements are put together in a way that allows you to show what each department in your company consumes. In addition, we have settled agreements where you are in doubt about what is covered and thereby get a lot of extra invoices that you did not expect.

All this can be done because our entire engine compartment is built on new leading technology in ServiceNow, Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 Cloud. Everything is, so to speak, software defined, which means we can measure everything.


Most IT contracts are screwed together in a way where it is difficult to concretely show who is consuming what and what the costs are. Typically, you just see that IT is a "bucket" with XYZ costs.


With an IT operation contract from Automize, you have access to a "state of the art" model where all these costs are visible. We can show exactly who consumes what, e.g. what does your new ERP system cost to operate.


When you have to talk to the management about IT costs, it is much easier to talk to them when you have something to show and which you yourself trust is correct. This is how we have built our solution as this is how we want it ourselves.

Contact us and hear what we can help you with

older employee explaining something on the screen to younger employee

Does it make sense for you to solve the whole task yourself?

We offer to be responsible for the operation and support of your IT, in whole or in part. Often we can do it both cheaper and better.

Outsourcing IT in the cloud - or Managed Services - can be tailored with exactly the services that are critical to your business. Or to put it another way: we find the model for outsourcing that suits you best, regardless of whether you want to outsource selected services in your IT operations or the entire operation.

The Modern Workplace

Today's work requirements and employees require an efficient, flexible and modern workplace. We are constantly working more and more mobile, which creates a need for management, secure work frameworks and places greater demands on IT security in the workplace in general.

The modern workplace with Microsoft 365 – what are the possibilities?

‘The modern workplace’ is a concept we often come across - but what does the concept really cover? With Microsoft 365, mobility and security are some of the key elements, but the modern workplace is much more than that. Let's take a closer look at the possibilities of the modern...

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"With Automize's Azure Automation app, we've automated large parts of the ITSM flow. What used to take days is now reduced to hours or minutes."
Henrik Abildgaard

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If you are interested in hearing from us, you are very welcome to contact us by email or phone. You can also use our contact form

Automize was founded in 2015, with a wish to provide value by driving the journey of digitalization and transformation, which all companies are presently on. We accomplish that by bringing people, business and technology closer together.
© Automize 2023 | All rights reserved
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