One often forgets to protect the intellectual property rights of the company
Check who should have access to your files
In the past, you "just" had a large file server where all people were mapped to a drive and thereby gained access to the company's data. One could typically only download the files by being connected to the company's VPN or physical presence. Today, much more control over data is required. Data is used everywhere and therefore you must be in control.
Collaborators and users in the company have a desire to always be able to go data. This is far from always the case only from a company-controlled device. It can be done from the home's iPad where you just have to read mail or completely other places where it's just easy to get to.
Data classification is a "must" in today's business. Governance rules can ensure that the company's data only leaves the company to the extent desired.
You give partners and users the opportunity to access data in the way they want, thereby giving them the most flexibility possible, while maintaining security.
Contact us and hear what we can help you with
Get access to the industry's best IT consultants
The competitiveness of companies depends on IT, whether it's planning, production, warehousing, logistics, marketing, sales or finance.
It is no longer enough for your employees to specialize in your core areas of competence. The digital development is running fast, and you will lose competitiveness if you do not have access to the necessary IT skills.
Four things an IT manager needs to know about Azure Virtual Desktop
In collaboration with Microsoft Denmark and our own customers, we have written an eBook about the primary 4 things an IT manager should know about Microsoft's desktop virtualization solution.
Nellemann Gruppens Modern Workplace er en god business case Nellemann Gruppens mange virksomheder håndteres effektivt og sikkert på én, fælles Modern Workplace platform baseret på Microsoft 365, InTune og Autopilot. Mange kender Nellemanns bilforretninger. Færre er måske klar over, at koncernen tæller mere end 325 medarbejdere, der fordeler sig på 8...
AI's Arrival: Unleashing Creativity and Productivity for a New Wave of Success AI is here, and it will completely change the way we work. And for many, the solution can't come soon enough. The pace of work has increased exponentially - along with the volume of data, information, and communication. We struggle to bear the […]
The Green Transition According to the World Economic Forum, digital technologies can help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by 15 percent. Together, by leveraging our technological tools, expertise, and network, we can make an important difference.
DGI works strategically with personalized use cases based on employees‘ daily tasks to increase adoption of Copilot among its approximately 600 employees. These words come confidently from Martin Holmqvist Olsson, Department Manager at DGI North Zealand and a member of DGI’s National Digital Steering Committee and AI Group. Since spring 2023, when DGI began seriously […]
"When a new professional system is purchased, the IT department can deliver a financial and manageable budget. This has long been a great desire in the municipality's administrations. The big plus is that we can have it up and running within a few days."
Tommy Engholm Jensen
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About Automize
Automize was founded in 2015, with a wish to provide value by driving the journey of digitalization and transformation, which all companies are presently on. We accomplish that by bringing people, business and technology closer together.