What is IT Automation and why is it important for your business?

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In our last blog post, we talked about the trends we at Automize believe will be essential in 2021 and beyond. Here was one of the big points Automation or Hyper Automation which is the idea that everything that can be automated must be automated to avoid data errors, wasted time and human resources on time consuming tasks, which will also lead to lower costs in connection with IT work in the company.

Example of Automation

Today, utility cases are typically in the early stages, especially in contexts where you expect heavy automation. A common goal is to accelerate, streamline and even redesign processes. A real example of hyper automation in connection with cloud communication is the use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and AI, ie the technologies that automate processes that were previously performed manually. An example of the use of RPA and AI by a public agency can be control of misuse in confidential information about a private person who is accessed outside working hours, ie who logs in outside working hours and searches for the same person x number of times.

RPA is also well suited for product creation, finance / bookkeeping, sales order handling, price comparisons, purchasing, case processing and much more. With the hyper-automation tools that handle the process, the employee does not have to switch between several applications, and the process is thus faster, which can be directly translated into a better customer experience. Although it has not gone mainstream yet, hyper-automation is in such widespread use that consulting firms are already organizing guidance for their clientele.

Is it necessary for my business?

But is all this really necessary? Won't that make my IT department redundant? The whole process and concept sounds costly, is it not only relevant for large international companies? Many of these thoughts are probably flowing through your head at the moment, because, yes, it may sound as if it will make your entire IT department redundant by automating large parts of their work. But a quick conversation with most IT staff will probably reveal that they are actually overburdened with these simple data tasks, which keeps them from working on more complex (and exciting) projects that will actually benefit the company and improve the existing IT staff. structure.

Hyper-automation does not only refer to implementation tools for managing tasks. It also requires cooperation between people. This is because humans are important decision makers and can use technology to interpret data and apply logic. For example, let’s imagine the case with social media and customer retention. A company can rely on tools that leverage RPA and machine learning to produce reports and retrieve data from social platforms to gain customer insight. As such, reports are generated and there will be information that is readily available to the marketing team, but it will then require the marketing team to use these insights to consider the type of campaigns and incentives to be incorporated into a business plan to keep customers satisfied. and try to save those who feel dissatisfied.

"But what about the costs?", It is clear that every time automation or AI is mentioned, thoughts often float to very complex systems, robots, Machine Learning and all the other buzzwords in the industry that we associate with million-dollar investments. Thankfully, it's not as complicated as it sounds, though not saying it's straightforward or that anyone can do it.


To give a quick summary of what we have discussed today. Automation or Hyper Automation is about automating generic processes such as data entry. What should be automated can be revealed by an advanced analysis which sheds light on which areas you "waste" the most time on and how you can better use these resources.

By automating these tasks, your employees will be able to focus on more exciting and engaging tasks that will increase employee satisfaction and efficiency. Once these processes are automated, it becomes easier to form a data insight that provides accurate information and minimizes the risk of human error.

Are you interested in hearing more about automation, do you want to get something elaborated or would you like to hear what Automize can do to help your company with all these issues, then you can read more via this link or contact us here.

A man looking at servers in a dark room
Male IT Engineer Works on a Laptop in front of Server Cabinet at a Big Data Center. Rows of Rack Servers are Seen.

What can your organization get out of Automation?

  • Automated processes
  • Advanced analyzes
  • Increased employee satisfaction and motivation
  • Increased employee capacity
  • Instant and accurate insight
  • Reduced risk
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased team collaboration

Do you want to know more?

AAre you interested in hearing more about these topics, do you want to get something elaborated or would you like to hear what we can do to help your company with these issues, then you can read more here or contact us here.

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Automize was founded in 2015, with a wish to provide value by driving the journey of digitalization and transformation, which all companies are presently on. We accomplish that by bringing people, business and technology closer together.
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